Ayurvedic Weight Loss Treatment To Burn Excess Body Fat Effectively


Mitul RanawatA person is said to be obese when BMI (body mass index) of that person is 30 or above. Body mass index is calculated according to the height and weight of a person and it shows the need of a person to lose or gain weight. There are people around world who follow strict diet plan and do excessive exercises but still don’t lose the desired weight. This happens because of the unknown reasons and improper knowledge. Major reasons for gaining weight are explained below:1. Slow metabolism is the biggest reason behind fat accumulation in body.2. Deficiency of magnesium, iron and vitamin D weakens immunity and this alters the metabolism rate in body.3. People in stress, tension and depression are more tempted towards junk foods, beverages and alcohol. These kinds of foods distract a person from mental issues and thus weight increases.4. Getting older slows down organ functions and ultimately reduces rate of metabolism.5. Hormone misbalance is also a major factor behind increase in weight. Absence of adequate amount of testosterone in men and estrogen in women leads to unhealthy weight gain.Obesity increases the risk of heart diseases, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, gall bladder stones, gout, osteoarthritis, some cancers, breathing problems, etc. People with excessive body fat face difficulty in doing exercise as it is hard for them to bend and twist. It is also seen that it is very difficult for obese people to follow diet properly. Such people need help of extra supplements to trigger metabolism process in body.One can use Slim-N-Trim capsules which provide the best ayurvedic weight loss treatment. These supplements improve digestion and absorption of nutrients from foods. Herbal formula of these supplements improves blood circulation and this increases supply of nutrients, oxygen and glucose towards cells and tissues. Cells use these nutrients to produce energy for muscles. These supplements increase metabolic rate in body and thus trigger weight loss process. These capsules effectively reduce appetite and thus food intake lowers down. Nutrients provided by these capsules maintain proper hormone balance in body and helps to overcome various deficiencies which slow down metabolism. Active ingredients of these capsules control stress, anxiety, tension and depression also that distract mind and increase temptation towards junk foods. This ayurvedic weight loss treatment is beneficial for both men and women. Slim-N-Trim capsules contain Babool, Kali Mirch, Bahera, Neem, Sonth, Long, Chitrak, Swarngeru, Kalijiri, Amla, Haritaki and Laksha. These herbs present in ayurvedic weight loss treatment provide the following benefits: 1. These herbs improve metabolism and help in better absorption of nutrients.2. These herbs make bowel movements better and thus eliminate toxins from blood. 3. Some of these herbs strengthen immunity and keep one healthy. This factor also helps in maintaining healthy metabolic rate. 4. Antioxidants present in these herbs protect cells from free radicals too. This prevents interruption in cellular activities and energy production in body. Regular utilization of energy further prevents accumulation of fat in body.5. Thermogenic agents present in these herbs burn excess body fat effectively. Take this ayurvedic weight loss treatment for 3 to 4 months to get long lasting benefits. Include fiber rich foods in your diet like black beans, oats, salmon, avocados, blueberries, broccoli, brown rice, pears, wine, grapefruit, kidney beans, almonds, green tea and lentils to achieve fast results.

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