byAlma Abell
Oral cancer screening in Birmingham is crucial in managing oral diseases that remain a major concern among stakeholders in the health sector. Research conducted on efforts to fight oral cancer supports the finding that regular checking and screening of patients by dentists for oral cancer. Oral diseases have adverse effects on both the psychological and physical health of a person and should be treated early to avoid further problems. Having an oral cancer test saves you from pain that comes when chewing, working, sleeping, swallowing and even talking. The facial changes associated with oral diseases makes one feel less attractive and less confident, leading to social withdrawal and possible depression.
Detection and Testing of Oral Cancer in Birmingham
The advancement of technology has made it easier for dentists to the start of problems before they spread and cause irreversible harm. The screening of oral cancer is done using the ultraviolet light to detect the presence of the cancerous cells in the mouth. The device used can be either VELscope VX or any other ultraviolet device approved by dental practitioners.
How it Works
Cancer screening takes a short period of about 2-3 minutes. With the use of the VELscope system, your dentist discovers all the problems affecting your mucosal tissues, upper throat and the mouth. The blue light stimulates the molecules found within the oral mucosal tissues to produce their own light in yellow, green and red shades. They block the reflected blue light making it easy to see the abnormalities in your mouth. The process of oral screening does not cause any discomfort, stains or pain and does not involve shedding of blood. It helps in the improvement of your oral health.
High-risk Patients
Some lifestyles affect the normal health of your mouth. Such lifestyles increase the chances of having oral cancer. Smokers and people who use other tobacco products such as pipes and snuff are at a high risk of contracting oral cancer. Heavy and chronic users of alcohol and people with previous oral cancer diagnosis add to the group that should consider oral cancer screening.
Personal oral hygiene and regular dental checkups are important in preventing oral cancer. Next time you visit a dentist let request for a test. For more information about oral cancer screening in Birmingham, click here.